When James Clerk Maxwell sought a deeper interpretation of Ampère's Law, which he himself had described mathematically, he found it to be incomplete. Then came the fourth, final and most intriguing of the four laws of electromagnetism: Ampère-Maxwell's Law, and this video discusses the content of this law. • Follow Verve Científica on social media: instagram.com/Verve.Cientifica facebook.com/VerveCientifica e-mail: VerveCientí[email protected] The Verve Científica project is supported by the Federal University of São Paulo (ICT-UNIFESP) through its university extension program. Follow the UNIFESP channel: /canalunifesp This content had the technical and scientific contribution of Prof. Dr. Thaciana Malaspina (CV lattes.cnpq.br/2600060786895700) Link to my Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5294929829300325 The concepts I presented in this video can be checked in some of the references below: [1] University Physics: with modern physics. 13th ed., Freedman, Young, Sears and Zemansky, Addison Wesley. [2] The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Feynman, Leighton and Sands. Basic Books. [3] Curso de Física Básica: Mecânica (Volume 1), Nussenzveig. Blucher. [4] Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. 10th ed., Serway and Jewett, Jr., Cengage Learning. [5] Physics. 5th ed., Walker., Pearson. [6] Physics. 9th ed., Cutnell and Johnson, Wiley & Sons. [7] Physics for scientists and engineers: a strategic approach with modern physics, 4th ed., Knight, Pearson. [8] Measuring Maxwellʼs displacement current inside a capacitor, Bartlett DF and Corle TR 1985 , Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 59–62 Some images and videos were taken from Pexels and Pixabay. www.pixabay.com www.pexels.com