AMERICAN STRATEGY The Deep State in the Crisis of the Empire Great success for “American Strategy”, the event organized on Thursday, November 21st in the splendid Sala Maggiore of the Palazzo del Comune, with the geopolitical analyst and author Dario Fabbri. Despite the incessant rain that fell on Pistoia all afternoon, the response from the public was exceptional, with a full Sala Maggiore and dozens of people standing. The event began with an informal chat between Dario Fabbri and the President of Virtù Nascente, Pietro Pinna Pintor, on various geopolitical topics. This was followed by the intervention of the guest, who spoke about the Deep States and the American apparatus (Pentagon, CIA, NSA, State Department), their history and their relationships with the President of the United States, up to the recent elections and the second term of Donald Trump. Among the speakers at the event was also the Secretary of Virtù Nascente, Giulio Cappellini, who discussed with the guest some specific topics, before the interventions of the public. We would like to thank Dario Fabbri, the Municipality of Pistoia, the Operational Unit of Virtù Nascente, the Liceo Forteguerri, the sponsor Cartiera Capostrada and all the public who enthusiastically participated in our initiative.