AMBOHIDRABIBY. OFFICIAL DEDICATION OF THE PALACE OF FENOHASINA, FRIDAY 18 OCTOBER 2019 According to the custom of the royal family in Imerina, if there is an intention to restore an old palace or build a new palace, it must first start with the ancestral palace in the sacred village. According to virtue, it is not by chance that Ambohidrabiby is called 'HASIN'IMERINA'. National pride, patriotism to be able to be proud of being Malagasy is the reason for restoring these traditional heritage sites: The Return of Virtue. The Ambohidrabiby Generation praised and fully supported the call made by the President, Andry Rajoelina, in January 2019 to continue the reconstruction of the Manjakamiadana Castle, and as a sign of their willingness to join hands to realize this vision, namely the successful reconstruction of the "Manjakamiadana Castle", in accordance with the traditional and customary order, as part of the 20th anniversary celebration of the Ambohidrabiby Generation Association, a Monument was erected to commemorate the reconstruction of the Fenohasina Palace at the Ambohidrabiby Castle.