PAP waiting list: https://inscricao.ambientalpro.com.br... How to make a location map? ???? In today's live, we will address a very important and essential subject in any area of activity in the world of Geoprocessing: location maps! ????️ These types of maps, which are usually the most requested in the job market, help answer basic questions about your geographic data, such as: ❓ What is the area of interest of the project? ❓ Where is the data located? ❓ How is the data distributed? ☝???? And make no mistake! Just because it can be a simple map, it doesn't mean the location map shouldn't get your attention. ???? Today I will show you, from scratch, how to make a technically correct and aesthetically suitable location map. _____________________________________ ➜ Access +40 practical ArcGIS classes, from beginner to advanced: https://bit.ly/aulas-arcgis ➜ Join my tips channel on Telegram: https://t.me/ambientalpro ➜ Connect with me: • Instagram: /ambientalpro #arcgis #arcmap #geoprocessamento #organizacao #auladearcgis #database #ambientalpro #geodatabase #filegeodatabase #remotesensing #remotesensing