This account is operated after applying and receiving permission from the official Urashimasakatasen form. We promise you sweet days. ♦︎Main broadcast♦︎ https://twitcasting.tv/sen_sen_sen_se... ????The #RedFoxAmbassadorGeneralElection to decide the Red Fox ambassador is now underway???? ◎ Red Fox Ambassador General Election Opening Declaration Movie/Red Fox and Green Tanuki • Red Fox Ambassador General Election Opening Declaration Movie/Red Fox and Green Tanuki ◎Details pagehttps://www.akamidori.jp/collabo/uras... ◎Vote via this tweet⬇️ https://x.com/toyosuisan_jp/status/18... ♦︎Senra's social media♦︎ ◎YouTube / @senrarara ◎X(old Twitter) https://x.com/sen_sen_sen_sen?s=21&t=... ◎Instagram https://www.instagram.com/senra_snr?i... ◎TwitCastinghttps://twitcasting.tv/sen_sen_sen_sen ◎TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@senra_sn?_t=8... #Urashimasakatasen #Senra