We open a Pokémon Fossil US edition 1 display sold by Kev Adams (yes) with which we have a duel to see who will have the best cards Our clothes for maximum flow ▶️ http://wankil.fr/boutique Our werewolf game Agrou ???? https://store.steampowered.com/app/13... Twitch live: / wankilstudio Twitter: / wankilstudio Facebook: / wankilstudio The site: http://www.wankil.fr Guests: @InvestCollect, @MaximeBiaggi, @Theorus, @leopaulnetwork, @Grimkujow_, @RemeliTennis Editing: Foxie Fern Video tech: Timothée Vesque, Rémi Serrano Sound tech: Latifa Ait Allah Sound help: Erwan Jamet Real: Rizotochaud Prod: Alex Masson If you want to follow the unboxing to know the price of the cards (PSA 10) when they appear then you can help yourself with this reference image https://imgur.com/a/XXnGMvC