Do it yourself decoration spending little with PET bottles, ideas from trash to luxury. leave your like to help me spread the video ❤️, share it with friends and family who like reusing, decoration and crafts. Discount Coupon: TATI5 https://www.escutaoveio.com/ • on this site you will find the instant glue, paints, liquid porcelain and craft accessories that I use. the screws used ???????? were from Parafuso Fácil. https://bit.ly/tatidecora discount coupon: TATI15OFF follow me on social media ❤️: Insta: tatidecor.a MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE ARMCHAIR Seat: In the front there are six rows of bottles, on the sides there are five rows of bottles. I used 60 bottles to make the seat, and samples are only 30, remember that one is placed inside another. Backrest: Each pillar has 5 bottles, I made 6 pillars, to make the backrest I used 30 bottles. With a height of HOW MANY BOTTLES DID I USE? 90 units, I used two different models. List of Materials Used: 90 PET bottles, bottle cleaning, utility knife, scissors, instant glue, duct tape, cardboard, pencil, wood scraps, jigsaw, screws, drill or hand wrench to tighten the screw, foam, hot glue, silicone glue, fabric, ruler, sewing machine, staples and stapler, fabric scraps to place on the bottom, for the feet I used wood scraps with hose painted black. Craft ideas with pallets Tati Decora idea with idea DIY do it yourself beautiful ideas Decoration with recycled material easy crafts brilliant ideas brilliant ideas with cardboard ideas with pallets craft ideas ideas with wood ideas to decorate your room ideas with fair crates ideas to decorate the bathroom recycling crafts decoration DIY Bedroom decoration ideas idea with cardboard ideas with old drawers ideas with wardrobe drawers ideas with pallet ideas with crates decorating ideas with drawers crafts with wooden crates DIY ideas to decorate