A Documentary Film by Ñaupany Puma Films AMARUKAN - The Return, Healing and Enlightenment of Pachamama After a profound vision of Mother Earth, the Inka Solar Priest Ñaupany Puma, embarks on an impressive journey with his family and apprentices throughout the Amarukan Continent. The Film reveals magical encounters with Nature and with different Wise Men from ancestral cultures. The long journey also shares a healing reunion of the Human Being with Pachamama. To finally describe the prophecies of the Illuminated Serpent and the flight of the Condor and the Eagle in the sky of the Hummingbird, which would mark the beginning of the awakening on our Continent. In view of the urgent need to Heal Mother Earth, the Solar Master Ñaupany decided to release this film. PRODUCTION: Ñaupany Puma Films & Inti Films Productions SCRIPT & DIRECTION: Ñaupany Puma SCRIPT ASSISTANT Cris Puma Tumipacha CAMERA: David Weir EDITING: Gustavo Chiriboga MUSIC: Yerar Chávez & Ñaupany Puma SOUND DESIGN: Erick Villegas SOUND MASTERING & DCP: Claudio Durán ANIMATION: Felipe Jácome & Daniel Espinosa COLORIZATION: Mateo Barriga & David Navarro RUNNING TIME: 69 minutes SOUND QUALITY: DOLBY 5.1 Surround Copyright © Ñaupany Puma Films, Ecuador. All rights reserved, 2011-2027