Depression is an extremely important topic and yet it is far too often hushed up. In an exciting interview, Maarten Hemmen breaks the silence and explains how you can recognize depression and how you can overcome full-blown depression. ▶️Get an exclusive insight into the methods, tools and strategies that make a successful coach in the free webinar. More information here: https://greator.link/GreatorCoach-Maa... Get out of depression! But wait, is it really that easy? And what does it even mean to be depressed? Maarten Hemmen is one of many people affected and speaks plainly. He says: "I feel empty and feel a great darkness." In the interview, he tells his story and answers the following questions: How do I know if I have depression? How does a depressive phase differ from this? What should I do if I am not taken seriously? What do I have to do first when I have recognized depression? What helps me get out of depression? How do I avoid becoming depressed again? What can I do to avoid getting depression in the first place? How can those around me help you with depression? What advice would you give to anyone who is currently suffering from depression? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whether someone needs long-term psychotherapy, psychotropic drugs or antidepressants to get on the road to recovery? That depends on the severity and duration of their depression and varies from individual to individual. However, Maarten Hemmen has developed his own promising method for overcoming depression - without the need for a psychiatrist or therapist. If you are not feeling well yourself or you know someone who has depressive traits, then you should definitely not miss this interview and its helpful ideas! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three new videos every week with great lectures and ideas from our top speakers. Subscribe to the Greator Channel now: https://greator.link/G-YTAbonnieren Did you know? You can also find every video as a podcast! On iTunes: https://greator.link/G-iTunesYT Castbox: https://greator.link/G-CastboxYT On Spotify: https://greator.link/G-SpotifyYT On Audionow: https://greator.link/G-AudionowYT On Deezer: https://greator.link/G-DeezerYT Don't want to miss anything? Become a fan now on ... Instagram: https://greator.link/G-InstagramYT Facebook: https://greator.link/G-FacebookYT Tiktok: https://greator.link/G-TiktokYT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the free Greator personality test NOW to recognize your personal strengths and finally be understood by others: https://greator.link/G-PersologYT You can find more videos here: The latest videos: https://greator.link/G-YTPlaylist-Akt... Tobias Beck: https://greator.link/G-YTPlaylist-Tob... 25 Best of Videos: https://greator.link/G-YTPlaylist-Bes... Communication & Rhetoric: https://greator.link/G-YTPlaylist-Kom... Personality Development: https://greator.link/G-YTPlaylist-Per...