Even more videos https://www.france.tv/france-5/enquet... Subscribe / @allodocteurs Find more videos on your health on https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/ More than a century after its discovery, Alzheimer's disease remains a mystery. It is also one of the most frightening pathologies. France has 900,000 patients and it is now rare not to know someone affected by it in your entourage. This neurodegenerative disease gradually causes the disappearance of neurons and atrophy of the brain. This creates memory loss, behavioral, language and orientation disorders, etc. Due to the aging of the population and the increase in life expectancy, the projections are worrying. Two million people could be affected by 2040. Faced with such figures, Alzheimer's disease is today one of the major challenges for medicine and society. What are the causes of this disease? Can its onset be prevented? And how can we care for the ever-increasing number of patients? Today, Alzheimer's disease remains incurable. Its diagnosis is complex and treatments, deemed ineffective, are no longer reimbursed. To the point that some doctors and patients are now questioning the usefulness of making a diagnosis that is often stigmatizing. What are the therapeutic options? And how can we live with this disease that leads to forgetfulness and ultimately, to loss of self? Health survey April 10, 2019 #health Testimonials, articles, expert advice on video… Find Allo Docteurs on the Web and on YouTube. Also find the latest news from all our shows on France Télévisions: Le Magazine de la Santé, Monday to Friday at 1:40 p.m. on France 5 Enquête de Santé, on France 5 Prendre soin de vous, on France 2 ➡️ Follow us to find out about your health and discuss the major societal debates without taboos.