In a matter of hours, what seemed like an “ordinary” fire in California became one of the largest crises the state has ever faced, as the voracity of the flames combined with strong gusts of wind have spread the fire to a point that is practically uncontrollable for the authorities. The number of people affected by the situation grows hour by hour, from Hollywood celebrities, people who live in the city and even sporting events have felt the impact of the fires. However, the broad perspective of the situation sometimes takes for granted the seriousness and gravity of the emergency, as well as the stories and situations that the affected people have to face in the face of this emergency in terms of civil security. In an interview for Heraldo Media Group, during the television program “República H” with Sofía García, a survivor of the strong fire that is ravaging Los Angeles shared her testimony about the situation currently being experienced in the state of California. Alejandra Mendoza, who was lucky enough to escape the flames with her family, revealed a discouraging outlook for the immediate future of the affected community. More information at: https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/mundo/... Follow us on our social networks to stay informed of everything! FB: / elheraldodemexico TW: / heraldodemexico IG: / elheraldodemexico