“Alpha Omega” with Pastors Athoms & Nadège Mbuma live from Paris Centre Chrétien. ↗️ SUBSCRIBE to never miss any of our videos ???? ???????? Follow us: ????Our Church: ???? https://www.pariscentrechretien.com ???? -------------------------------- Lyrics: You placed the stars at the beginning of the universe, Alpha Oh nothing can be created if you have not yet spoken, Alpha Before Abraham was, you are, Oh! Alpha My Lord, you know how to begin To give birth in me to your praises Alpha Omega Alpha Omega The God of all time Who guides my steps Alpha Omega Alpha Omega You have counted all my steps since my mother's womb, Alpha Your love preceded my efforts at holiness, Alpha The author of the story of our lives, Oh! Alpha My Savior, you know how to start A story never imagined Alpha Omega Alpha Omega The God of all time Who guides my steps Alpha Omega Alpha Omega As long as he has not yet spoken I do not care about the words of men I wait for Omega Often, the thief comes first And the savior last His name is Omega As long as there is life in my body And you have not decided I am not afraid Because no man has the stopwatch Who decides the end of my journey Even when my flesh gives up, my hope would go away I will wait for Omega I will run to the end of my journey to the line Where Omega awaits me Even in the last place, He rises up for me As a redeemer who defends me Alpha Omega Alpha Omega The God of all time Who guides my steps Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Even when my flesh gives up, my hope would go away, I will wait for Omega I will run to the end of my journey to the line Where Omega awaits me Copyrights: Gael Ministries #athomsmbuma #alphaomega #pccmusic #nadegembuma