This month, the All-Powerful Ones, Javier Cansado, Rodrigo Cortés, Juan Gómez-Jurado and Arturo González-Campos, will come disguised to our auditorium to talk about AKIRA KUROSAWA again until he completes his entire filmography. There are directors who have marked the history of cinema. And then there is Akira Kurosawa, who has marked all the directors who have marked the history of cinema. All-Powerful Ones is the radio program that has revolutionized the world of Podcasts. #TPKurosawa A new space for a new culture: visit the Espacio Fundación Telefónica in the heart of Madrid, on Calle Fuencarral 3. Visit us and follow us on: Web: https://espacio.fundaciontelefonica.com/ Twitter: / espacioftef Facebook: / espaciofundaciontef Instagram: / espacioftef YouTube: / culturasiglo21