In this live, Dr. María Teresa Tagle, immunologist at Clínica Alemana, talks to us about allergies. What is allergic rhinitis? Definition and frequent symptoms. How to differentiate allergic rhinitis from an upper respiratory disease? Important characteristics and complications. Associated pathologies. How can we identify allergies? Classification of allergic rhinitis and the importance of the patient's medical history. What is the skin test or Prick test and what does it consist of? Management of allergic rhinitis: general and environmental control measures. Pharmacological treatment and immunotherapy. How does it work and in which case is immunotherapy indicated? Answer to questions from the audience: Where to look for information about trees that may be causing allergies? Is there any preventive treatment? When should you consult a doctor? Can it occur at any stage of life? General recommendations and which specialist to consult. If an allergy chose you, you choose Telemedicine. Make an appointment with one of our immunologists through Telemedicine ???????? https://agenda.clinicaalemana.cl/area... ________________________ Meet our professionals https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/especia... Make an appointment in person here https://reserva.alemana.cl/reserva/po... Make an appointment via telemedicine https://agenda.clinicaalemana.cl/area... Learn about and download our app here https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/app?utm... Did you know that you can access a teleconsultation from home? https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/alemana... Follow us on: Instagram: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Facebook: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Twitter: / clinicaalemana Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/8001v85... #ClínicaAlemana #allergies #spring #immunology