#MinakoFamily's secret hideout #Yuzuan #All-you-can-eat sub-channel [MinakoFamily's secret hideout] / @minakofamilytvsub Please subscribe to our channel! Sound sources used: "DOVA-SYNDROME" https://dova-s.jp "OtoLogic" https://otologic.jp/ "Nota no Mori" http://notanomori.net/ "Free BGM and music materials MusMus" https://musmus.main.jp/ Images used: "Illustration AC" https://www.ac-illust.com/ "Photo AC" www.photo-ac.com Family illustration: "Nekoda Manjimaru" / shizuharamaika "Minako Family TV" • Video For business inquiries, please contact [email protected] Minako Family Official Ameba Blog https://ameblo.jp/minako-officialblog/. Minako Official LINE Blog https://linebrog.me/minako/. Minako Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com Minako Official Twitter / minako7love0223 Minako Family TV Official TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/N32ttx/ Minako Family Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... We will post the latest information about the Minako Family on the above SNS! Please subscribe and follow us!