Current PRICES can be found in my telegram channel. https://t.me/+MeQVG5UVWMxjNzk6 Also, to order or consult, you can write to me by email and I will answer you on the same day! [email protected] In stock: Lithium-ion batteries 100 and 120 Amp / hour Inverters 1000 and 2000 watts of nominal power Charging stations EcoFlow River 2 Max 512 watts / hour EcoFlow Delta 2 1024 watts / hour CTECHi ST2000 PRO 2073 watts / hour In the video, I showed how you can make backup power from Lithium batteries and a car inverter and connect it so that there is voltage in all sockets, the light from the wall switches works. Now such batteries in China cost $ 600 WITHOUT DELIVERY - And mine is 2 times cheaper! You can see for yourself by following the link - select the 220A model (this is 100 Ampere hours) https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005005... In general, it doesn't matter if you have a generator or inverter - the main thing is that we can all see in the dark who is a f...s, a chump, and what's wrong with someone's face :)