Happy New Year! If you've read the description, you're definitely a Slo Afro ch fanatic. A core user. Or rather, a fan. And it's because of those viewers that I've been able to continue my streaming activities. Thank you very much for all your support in 2023. The main source of income for YouTubers is advertising fees, but the number of views fluctuates greatly from month to month, so my earnings are not stable. Since I'm an individual, I rarely get requests for projects. Moreover, since pachinko content is a gambling video, there is a possibility that I will no longer earn any income from today. That's why I'm so grateful to the viewers who support Slo Afro. After all, I'm also a human being, so I get happy and sad over just one comment. Thank you for always commenting and liking. If you haven't subscribed to the channel, why not try your first comment? As a benefit, Slo Afro will smile. Isn't it amazing that you can make people happy with just one button, a comment? By the way, did you know that you can check whether you have registered Slo Afro from the Google admin screen? Gufufu. I'm a very simple person, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you ❤︎ So, once again, please look forward to the Sloafro channel in 2024. A divorced single man who loves pachinko and slots! • Vietnam Taiwanese pachinko practice Million God Gaming / sloafro #pachinko #sloafro #mie all night