All monsters! The first time we caught a lot of monster fish from ponds in the Musi River. The trip took about 15 minutes exploring the river by boat for us to try ponding again in a different place full of water hyacinth plants. From a distance, we could see a lot of fish roaming around in the pond traps and we couldn't wait to go down and harvest all the trapped fish. We had just gone down and saw a monster tilan fish, then we explored again and got a monster baung fish and a big lumajang fish. A good start because this time we were able to get a lot of monster fish in the first place we went down. Then we explored all the ponds owned by brother Adi and found big snakehead fish and jumbo sepatung fish. The results of this time's ponding were the biggest because we were able to catch more than 20kg of fish and shrimp and we also put a lot of monster fish into the boat. Even though it was late at night, the excitement of the fish harvest this time made us feel at home, even Om Kandar immediately ate the raw shrimp caught in the river. ============================================ Join Imam Noer's Youtube Membership 👇 / @imamnoer For other social media. 🔸Follow Instagram @imammnoer https://www.instagram.com/imammnoer/?... =========================================== Thank you.