Hello, this is Bukuki. This is a story I've told many times during live broadcasts, but I finally have a video for YouTube Snowball! It's already been 9 years since I started experiencing this symptom. To be exact, it's not a wheat allergy, but 'gluten intolerance'. Gluten is mainly contained in wheat and barley. I'm saying it's a wheat allergy to help people understand quickly. Usually, it's hard to immediately associate the word gluten with wheat. However, I'm glad that more people are becoming aware of it because there are a lot of 'gluten-free' foods these days!! Edit: Sim Geon-woo #VirtualYoutuber #Virtual #Bukuki #Allergy #Flour #FlourAllergy #Gluten #GlutenFree #GlutenIntolerance #Intolerance #CeliacDisease #Hamburger #Pizza #Chicken #AfreecaTV ???? Go watch the broadcast: https://bj.afreecatv.com/bukuki00 ???? Fan Cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/bukuki00 ???? Replay: / @bukuki_bbang ???? Clip: / @bukuki_clip