Top up your Steam balance: https://bit.ly/3V17Oo1 Promo code: OJIDANIE https://vk.com/kupikod_com - KupiKod public page with giveaways https://t.me/steamkupikod - KupiKod news channel with weekly contests These are all the achievements of France, I guess. I was a little sick when recording the sound, so my voice isn't very good in places. Well, maybe the stream will be in the evening. Telegram: https://t.me/ojidanie228. Discord: / discord . Donators: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/ojid.... 00:00 Introduction 00:39 Great Entente 08:12 Second time's luck 17:30 Long live the young school (well, sort of) 17:57 Die, Perfidious Albion 21:39 Long live France! 29:40 You are a peddler