Motorcycle boots are an essential element of a real motorcyclist's equipment. Even if you are only going to ride around the city, it is advisable to buy lightweight motorcycle boots that protect the joints of the foot and ankle. The range of motorcycle boots in the stores is impressive - your eyes run wide! It is quite difficult for a beginner to make a choice. The video was prepared by Denis Panferov, he will tell you about the types of motorcycle boots, the criteria for their selection, materials, protective elements, the purpose of certain inserts, and give general advice on choosing. As always, without haste, thoughtfully and clearly ... We thank the company Mr. Moto for the provided gloves http://www.mr-moto.ru/ And even more motorcycling on our website and in our social networks: Motoexpert http://www.motoxp.ru/ Instagram / moto_exp FB / motoexpert.m. . VK https://vk.com/club11572013 Twitter / motoxpmagazine #equipment #motorcycle #boots #motoexpert #motorcycleboots #choosingmotorcycleboots #motorcycleboots #boots