Do you know all the cuts of sirloin? Ancho Steak, Chorizo, Ojo de Bife, Bife de Tiras, Entrecot, Online Barbecue Course http://www.cursochurrasqueadas.com.br We will show you the various cuts of boneless sirloin. With special participation from Netão from Bom Beef. Check out the video Tudo Sobre Picanha • Tudo sobre Picanha (Part. Netão Bom B... Follow Netão on YouTube: /netaobombeef We can extract various Argentinean, French and even American cuts from sirloin. In this video we will show you where the famous chorizo steak, which is very popular in Brazil, comes from. In addition to cuts such as ancho steak, noix, entrecot, rib eye, rib eye cap, banana, among others. All these cuts of sirloin are excellent for barbecue. These are cuts that you can make in the oven, frying pan, pressure cooker, griddle, etc. In the next video we will show you all the cuts of sirloin with bone.