Continuation of the adventures of Janek, Kiśl and Luure! This time Wersow joins them! Who is Weronika? What does she know? Is she working with aliens? What will their fates be?! Will the mystery be solved? Are there really aliens at the school?! ???????????? ???? SUBSCRIBE ➛ https://goo.gl/z3bdFS ????️ PLAYLIST ➛ goo.gl/xarguQ ???? ALIENS AT SCHOOL PART 1 ➛ • ALIENS at school⁉️????[ft. JDabrowsky, M... *** ????????????COMPETITION???????????? If you win the Tymbark longboard, where will you ride on it? Answer this question in the comment! Be sure to add #contest when answering ❗️ You can win a Tymbark longboard and other gadgets! ???? You have time until Friday, September 13! Rules at the end of the description! ⬇️ *** What do we know from last week? Sulfurians came from the planet TMBRK 2323. They're up to something in the chemistry room, because there's a lot of sulfuric acid there. The suits protect them from dissolving in our atmosphere. The teacher has a bandaged hand because she didn't go through a full metamorphosis... Is it all true? Who is Weronika Wersowiusz?! Is she working with aliens? Check it out! Contest rules - http://bit.ly/2lvT3v3