ALIEN SEARCH. EPISODE 1. Audiobook. Post-apocalypse. Story: https://author.today/work/18422 Story author: Valery Filatov The unusual silence of a summer morning alerted the protagonist. And his life changed dramatically... But he is not simple, to just go with the flow. He knows how to survive. He knows how to unite for the sake of struggle, even if at first glance it is meaningless. Will humanity be able to accept the fruits of this struggle for the sake of progress, or will it use them for its base desires? Voiced and read by: Alex Zborovsky THE BOOK OF SECRETS in VK - https://vk.com/knigatain1 Telegram - https://t.me/Kniga_Tain THE BOOK OF SECRETS is a platform for fans of the horror, post-apocalyptic and mysticism genres. On the channel you can hear voiced audiobooks and long stories by famous authors and talented aspiring writers that will make you hold your breath and be horrified. Be prepared to dive into the world of the unknown and enjoy each new release. #horror #mysticism #stories #book #bookofsecrets #secrets #postapocalypse #audiobook #audiostories #scarystories #fear #scarystories #horrors2024 #AlienSearch