A heartfelt conversation with the founder of the funniest metal band in Russia! Here you will learn a lot of cool stories about the band, hear unforgettable jokes and conspiracy theories! Enjoy watching! #bau #podcast #metal Contacts: https://vk.com/pfya_bau - VK / @bau . - YouTube https://t.me/pfya_bau - TG music.yandex.ru/artist/3680757 - Yandex Music / @3byk_b_pykax - channel about sound https://vk.com/lemooor_studio_3 - rap. base https://vk.com/lizni_ka4eli - VK page of Avi Kazaryan, contacts: https://vk.com/avi_podcasts - VK https://www.instagram.com/a_vi6?igsh=... - negotyagramm https://www.tiktok.com/@a_vi6here?_t=... - Tik Tok https://share.like-video.com/e/g/222k... - Likes https://www.donationalerts.com/r/avi_... - support the channel! I will be glad to any amount! Timecodes: 00:00 - intro 00:54 - beginning 01:48 - guest introduction 02:58 - group renaming 04:28 - about the album Ministry of Misfortune 10:07 - why did the music change? 12:02 - Finding the Secret of the Hit 15:43 - Uncle Xiao's Deliveries and More 18:20 - Who Would Head the Ministry of Misfortune? 20:09 - Continuing to Discuss the Tracks from the Album, Talking About Music 29:06 - Is Guitar Music Ending? 33:20 - Russia is a Country of Lyrics, but There Are Good Producers 37:32 - Music vs. Politics 39:48 - About Metal, the Big Four, and Old Jokes 48:40 - Discussing Alexey's Top Listenings for 2023, Slava KPSS, Platinum 58:07 - What from the Internet Is Penetrating Your Information Field? 59:38 - about Biff Yaki and Fred 01:02:44 - jokes 01:10:53 - about VK posts 01:19:57 - about BAU goals, a corporate striptease party 01:29:44 - song blitz (kittens, airships, conspiracy theories) 01:42:34 - superpower #abyssofanaloppression #interview #podcast #lekhaizbau #alexeyromanovskiy #soundinhands #odnoklassnitsalena #bau #jokes #slavakpss #platinum #it #metal #rock