Alexandru is an explorer in the truest sense of the word. From the Amazon jungle to the Siberian wilderness, and from the Rio Carnival to Beijing, he has roamed the planet in search of answers. He has written two books, both constant presences on the best-seller lists: "Fallen from the Jungle" and "Journey Around Man". Both are travelogues and explorations of human nature, culture and relationships. Exploring the world, Alexandru says, we discover the geography of our being, with its bright or dark continents. Perhaps, as an ornithologist, he takes part in expeditions to study birds. But, as a human, he returns from the jungle with meaningful stories about friendship, love, maturation, fear, life and death, divinity and our meaning in all this geography. Alexandru is a biologist, has a bachelor's degree in theology, a master's degree in philosophy and training in positive psychology. Plus a collection of skulls. He is a biology professor at Babeș-Bolyai University. We spoke with Alexandru in March 2023, in a live conversation, at the Apollo111 Theater, about what we discover and learn beyond the familiar and comfortable boundaries. The Vast&The Curious live conversations have BCR, MedLife Romania and Autonom as strategic partners. Supporting partner: DEDEMAN #vastandcurious #AerProaspătPentruMinte 🎙️Podcast: Website: https://www.andreearosca.ro/ Apple Podcasts: https://cutt.ly/icEQvD2 Spotify: https://cutt.ly/qcEQKjp 📩Newsletter: https://cutt.ly/icEWP6k Key moments of the discussion: 00:02:20 - Alexandru Stermin. Presentation 00:04:15 - Childhood 00:06:53 - The story of the buffalo 00:11:10 - What is hidden behind the apparent simplicity of exploration 00:16:29 - How to build trust with an unknown person 00:17:19 - The dark side of our sociability 00:21:20 - Fear of death 00:29:10 - Giving yourself a destiny 00:31:05 - The spider bite 00:36:26 - The synthesis of stoicism in the jungle 00:40:05 - The skull collection 00:43:43 - How Christianity distanced us from nature 00:50:24 - Archetypes and Cabloco 00:53:49 - Belief in magical thinking 00:59:22 - The initiatory adventure at the Carnival of in Rio 01:03:03 - The ability of archetypes to generate diversity and resilience 01:08:30 - The theory of the meaning of life 01:17:39 - The meaning of the Hoatzin bird 01:21:05 - The Medlife riddle 01:23:15 - Opening of the Q&A session with the public Social: LinkedIn: https://cutt.ly/vcEEg1m Facebook: https://cutt.ly/gcEEThU Instagram:https://cutt.ly/0cEEGCI