Now we are publishing our videos in a separate Telegram channel - subscribe: https://t.me/carnegievideo Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Berlin Center, spoke with Irina Malkova about when to expect the start of peace talks on the war in Ukraine and how successful they will be, what negotiating leverage the parties have, what US policy will be under President Trump towards China, and how the recent interview with Yuri Dud went. All new videos from our channel, including this one, in audio format: – Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3NC2HpC – Other platforms: https://carnegie-berlin-audio.simplec... Carnegie Politika Telegram channel: https://t.me/carnegiepolitika Alexander Gabuev Telegram channel: https://t.me/agabuev The Bell Telegram channel: https://t.me/thebell_io The Bell analytics in newsletter format: https://thebell.site/paywall • Embarrassing questions about China / vDud Timestamps: 0:00 Where else can you watch and listen to our videos 1:20 Kellogg's plan for Ukraine: will Trump use it? 5:55 How has communication between Russia and the US been going for the past three years? 9:02 How will the negotiations proceed after January 20? 11:49 The positions of the parties before the negotiations: the US, Russia, Ukraine 18:58 What will be the difficulties in the negotiations? 24:11 Security guarantees for Ukraine: what is clear now? 29:09 Kursk region - Ukraine's trump card in the negotiations? 32:04 Western sanctions as a negotiating lever for the US 35:49 Will Biden have time to provide additional assistance to Ukraine before leaving? 41:31 What will the EU do if Trump loses interest in Ukraine? 45:36 China vs. the US under Trump: what to expect in 2025? 51:19 About Dud's interview 53:04 What else to watch in 2025? The health of the global economy, technological progress, the Middle East #ceasefire #warinukraine #trump #china