Full online course by Alexander Filonenko "Sentimental History of Science" on the Otium.Academy website: https://otium.academy/courses/filonen... It seems that there is nothing more distant than science and magic. But modern science was born in the 17th century from such outdated practices as natural magic and Kabbalah, astrology and alchemy, and the Renaissance revived not only ancient scholarship, but also Egyptian wisdom. In a fragment of the third lecture of his online course, Alexander Filonenko talks about how the rift between the magic of the Renaissance and the science of the New Age occurred, how the mistake of the great astrologer Johannes Kepler led to the discovery of astronomical laws, and how modern science was born from such erroneous beliefs as Hermeticism and the revival of Egyptian spirituality. Lecturer: Alexander Filonenko - theologian, Doctor of Philosophy, lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy of Kharkiv National University. V. N. Karazin, academician of the Ambrosian Academy (Milan). Winner of the Templeton Foundation Prize for the lecture course "Science and Theology" (The Science and Religion Course Program of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS, USA). Author of the books: "Life for me is Christ. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh" (2015), "Ocean of Mystery" (2019). Otium.Academy - education of free people. https://otium.academy/ / otium.academy