Directed by Emin Alper and written by Emre Kayış, I really liked Alef. In the series, I talked about the non-Sunni issue mentioned in the series, what is polarity, vahdeti body and current beliefs, and the execution of Boy Sheikh Ismail Maşuki. I also shared my views on who the murderer is. Please leave your comments! You can look at the pinned comments for sources. More detailed videos are coming! Enjoy watching! The politics of Sunnification in the Ottoman Empire • ALEF, Non-Sunniness in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Shah Ismail's establishment of the Safavid State • ALEF, Non-Sunniness in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Vahdet-i Canavar and Vahdet-i Güncel • ALEF, Non-Sunniness in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Otman Baba • ALEF, Non-Sunniness in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Kaygusuz Abdal • ALEF, Non-Sunniness in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... What is Kalenderiism? • ALEF, Non-Sunnism in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... What is Bayramiism? • ALEF, Non-Sunnism in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... What is a Qutb, who is it called? • ALEF, Non-Sunnism in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Why was Ismail Mashuki killed? • ALEF, Non-Sunnism in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd... Who do you think is the murderer? • ALEF, Non-Sunnism in the Ottoman Empire, Vahd...