“CAMBIANDO MENTES” is a television program that started in early 2016 on TELEFÓRMULA, on national television, every Sunday at 11:00 p.m., hosted by the beautiful and intelligent Luz Rincón and the experienced actor Pedro Romo. It was in July of the same year when the program was reinvented with the addition of the actor and host Gerardo Gómez-Cano, better known as Danilo Ujus Ujus. The concept of the broadcast strategically fuses positive aspects of human development, leadership and emotional intelligence, tourism, technology, among other topics. The content is supported by experts, as well as by artists and prominent personalities from all fields, thus achieving the perfect balance between value and fun, reflection and entertainment, but above all, the objective of the program, which is to continue “CAMBIANDO MENTES”. • Video / luzrinconoficial /cambiomentesconluzrincon @LuzrinconRam @loveedd / daniloujusujus @DANILOUJUSUJUS Instagram Danilo Ujus Ujus Post-Production https://www.facebook.com/Alphastvdio/... http://alphastvdio.wixsite.com/inicio