The new bells of the former monastery church of the Assumption of Mary in Aldersbach were already presented on YouTube on the occasion of the first ringing on August 15, 2015. However, at that time no blinds had been installed and the tower was completely covered in scaffolding, which certainly changed the sound of the bells. The audio recording of the individual bells and the plenary session presented here can probably be described as the "final state", as the blinds have since been installed and the tower has been freed from the scaffolding. All that needs to be said about the history of the Aldersbach bells is that the new bells are the last large bells made by Perner before bell casting was stopped. They were cast from the large casting furnace at the end of August 2013. A few smaller individual bells were also cast a little later, but no longer from the large furnace. During the plenary session, bell 2 es' was turned off a little earlier. This is intended to illustrate how the character of the chime can change from serious E-flat minor to G-flat major. Bell 1: Assumptio beatae maria virginis b°-3 4260 kg ø 1810 mm 2013 Perner (Passau) Bell 2: Resurrectio Christi es'-3 approx. 1600 kg 2013 Perner (Passau) Bell 3: St. Bernardus Claravallensis ges'+1 approx. 750 kg 2013 Perner (Passau) Bell 4: St. Caecilia as'-5 approx. 650 kg 2013 Perner (Passau) Bell 5: SS. Angeli b'-4 approx. 520 kg 2013 Perner (Passau) Bell 6: S. Maria Auxiliatrix des''-1 approx. 360 kg 2013 Perner (Passau) Note: The weights above are the planned weights, which will differ slightly from the actual ones; only the weight of the large bell seems to be exact. Many thanks to church warden Thomas Knödl for allowing the ringing and the sound recording. Sound recording: BS Sources: Bell homepage of the Diocese of Passau, film from Bavarian Radio and information posted about the ringing in the Aldersbach church Photo: Wikipedia CC-BY-3.0-DE, by High Contrast