In this video you will learn the concepts of Einstein's theory of relativity in less than 10 minutes! Consulted/recommended material: ✔ http://www.1728.org/reltivty.htm ✔ http://hypescience.com/foto-anel-de-e... ✔ • Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity ✔ • Theory of relativity explained in 7 mins ✔ • Einstein's Relativity: Time Dilation ✔ • How does time work? *The excerpt from the video between 3:24 and 4:57 belongs to Futur par Starck (ARTE Future). Further reading on the subject: ''Imagine the following situation: A photon is radiated from a massive star that is 200 light years away. From our perspective, the photon traveled through space for 200 years before being captured by your retina. However, because time dilation is infinite at the speed of light and everything that is at that speed will freeze completely in time, from the photon's perspective this entire 200-year journey was instantaneous.'' - Diogo, Science Portal Corrections and clarifications about what was said in the video: The equation E=mc² does not calculate relativistic mass. It shows that the energy of an inert object is equal to its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared and that mass and energy are directly proportional and, therefore, as objects move with more energy, their relativistic mass increases. The Lorentz Factor (6:26) is the equation that calculates the increase in relativistic mass. Special thanks to: DarkDesigner158: Lucas Chaves Patrick Pirula Átila Video thumbnail made by Leonardo Pancheniak. This channel holds the SVBR seal, Science Vlogs Brasil, which attests to the quality of scientific dissemination on YouTube. Other channels with the seal can be found at / @sciencevlogsbrasil