Haykakan Kino Armenian Film Information about the film Title: Alabalanitsa Original title: Ալաբալանիցա Year of release: 2011 Genre: Armenian, comedy, adventure. Director: Vahagn Khachatryan, Arman Marutyan. Starring: Hayk Marutyan, Mkrtich Arzumanyan, Nazeni Hovhannisyan, Levon Harutyunyan, Hasmik Gharibyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Rafael Yeranosyan, Andranik Harutyunyan, Armine Poghosyan, Artashes Aleksanyan. About the film: After absurd accidents, the fraudster entrepreneur Sevak and the kind veterinarian Tsolak Karpych find themselves in a coma, and their souls are in the waiting room of Good and Evil. They can come out of the coma only after they complete the task given to them by the forces of good and evil. The film tells about their fantastic adventures and trials that will befall their difficult lot. Released: Armenia. Duration: 01:14:18 Voice acting: Armenian