The drama story of Fujianti Utami alias Fuji's closeness with Aisar Khaled is still being widely investigated because it continues to raise questions among netizens. Starting from how serious their relationship is to who Aisar Khaled really was in the past. The reason is that recently the virtual media world has been successfully made a scene by the presence of a woman named Bunga Aurellie who gave a signal with a threatening tone that she would reveal Aisar's past shame because she felt disappointed that she had been unfollowed by the content creator from neighboring Malaysia. However, what caught Aisar's attention was that she was found to be following Bunga's social media again after the content aired. As if confirming that there was something between the two of them. #aisarkhaled #fujian #cumicumidotcom --- --- For Business Inquiries/Endorsement contact: [email protected] The most complete, hottest and latest collection of gossip news videos today about Indonesian celebrities Official Website: http://www.cumicumi.com/ Follow us on social media Facebook: / cumicumidotcom Instagram: / cumicumi.com_insta Twitter: / indigo_cumicumi WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaHO...