50 years ago, on February 2, 1972, a former Japanese soldier returned to Haneda Airport from the jungles of Guam. His name was Yokoi Shoichi, and at his press conference on his return he repeatedly said he was "ashamed," before immediately going into hospital for 84 days of tests. His medical records from that time were discovered just before the 50th anniversary of his return. How did legendary survivor Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier who remained in Japan, survive in the jungle? CBC TV Broadcast Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 9:55-11:20 "I'm ashamed to say..." - The truth about "Yokoi-san" 50 years after his return - #documentary #CBC#chant #YokoiShoichi #ashamedtoo #wife #jungle #hiding #Guam #50yearsafterreturn #CBCdocumentaryCBC TV "Chant!" Monday-Friday 3:49pm-7pm Broadcasting in Aichi, Gifu, and Mie