Can you turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter? This question has been bothering Karina for many winters. After all, the heating is not turned on right away, and sometimes it is even completely turned off at the most inopportune moment! We found air conditioners that work in winter - turn on our latest video to find out more! • A large selection of such air conditioners here: https://bit.ly/3nypW50 EVEN MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS ↓ ► All household appliances: https://bit.ly/2sykswG ► Vacuum cleaner reviews: https://bit.ly/2Miaus9 ► Refrigerator reviews: https://bit.ly/2Mh6MiO ► Washing machine reviews: https://bit.ly/2FJf8OC ► Climate control equipment reviews: https://bit.ly/2FvRI05 ► Robot vacuum cleaner reviews: https://bit.ly/2AOJUCI ► Coffee machine reviews: https://bit.ly/2VVX9KR Subscribe to the Rozetka editorial telegram channel: https://t.me/rrozetka Join us on social networks! Facebook: / rozetka.ua Twitter: / rozetka_ua Instagram: / rozetkaua