This is the 16th installment of the Perfect Journey series, undertaken by Takeyuki Kubota, a field staff member of Megabass, Tenryu, and Yamatoyo Tegus!! The first PERFECT JOURNEY of 2021 is the Shimabara Peninsula in Nagasaki Prefecture. He will chase sea bass in Shimabara, which overlooks the Ariake Sea. How will he adapt to the chilly water temperature caused by the rain before filming and the sea conditions that change minute by minute with a tidal range of over 5m to catch sea bass? This is the Shimabara edition, which condenses all of Kubota's knowledge to date!! [Sponsors] Megabass https://www.megabass.co.jp/ Tenryu https://fishing.tenryu-magna.com/ Yamatoyo Tegus (FAMELL) http://yamatoyo.com/ [Production] https://www.fimosw.com/