The Bodrum Tale series revolves around a rich and ambitious man who owns many hotels. His wife lives a wonderful life in Istanbul with her children Alaa and Rose, while he lives a secret life in Bodrum, where most of his hotels are located, with a second wife. The father's regime is completely broken due to his rapid bankruptcy as a result of the wrong decisions he makes one after another. The family only has an old house in Bodrum and half of a small hotel share left. The family is now forced to give up their luxurious life and move to that dilapidated house and start a new life with the small hotel. However, the other half of the hotel belongs to a person they swear they will never remember. Unaware of all these secrets, Alaa and Rose will move away from their university, dreams, friends and safe rich life and will get to know the unknown side of life and their families in Bodrum. A completely different Bodrum awaits them from the Bodrum they come to every year to spend their holidays and have fun with their rich friends. #Bodrum_Story #bodrummasalı #DilanÇiçekDeniz #AlperenDuymaz #ŞevvalSam #TimuçinEsen #hilmicemi̇ntepe