When the bike adventure through the Tarvantovaara wilderness had been completed in a 3 °C daytime temperature accompanied by rain, it was time to explore the destination for a one-night trip. The destination given by the search engine was obvious, graylings live in Lake Ailakkajärvi! The tires were left on the roof of the car and the ascent began, following the Ailakkajoki River, not yet knowing that the temperatures of the coming night would make Kilppar the national number one course in the tabloids the next day. The year 2017 was an interesting one for Lapland weather, summer was late when studded tires dived into the water ponds of ATVs in the swamp labyrinths of Tarvanto and the frost dropped to -4 °C at night in Ailaka, graylings greedily grabbing the Winnie the Pooh fly. We spent a magical fishing night with the sun coloring the fells in an orange glow, these moments have been recalled many times in our memories, HARJUS FEST! Music Aukusti Koivisto – Radio Silence Aukusti Koivisto – Little by Little This video work has been made in agreement with the owners of the rights to the music played in the video. By subscribing to the channel, you will be notified when the next wilderness adventure is on Tube! WILDERNESS ADVENTURES FROM 2016 @ERÄ-TUBENRASKASSARJA #hiking #fishing #kilpisjärvi #käsivarnerämaa