The first show of 2025, "Pasikalbėkim", features Aida Balandė, better known as Keita Žemaitė. A woman who humorously, cheerfully and boldly shows the everyday life of rural life, has captured the hearts of many Lithuanians. Aida is followed by more than 60 thousand people on social networks, whom she entertains with her videos or delights with simple but delicious recipes. Why has this Samogitian woman from a small village become so popular? Although many are used to seeing Aida bursting with optimism, not afraid to laugh at herself, this time she showed a completely different side - a sensitive, empathetic and emotional woman. What hurts Aida's heart the most? It turns out that the hardest thing for her is to be left alone with two children when her husband leaves for Norway to work. The woman does not hide that she feels like that Penelope, forever waiting for the returning Odysseus. True, the whole family used to live together in Norway, but Aida eventually decided to return to Lithuania. It seems that these words spoken out loud in the "Let's Talk" studio became prophetic, because on the first day of the new year, Aida shared the good news - her husband is now staying with his family in Lithuania and finishing his work abroad. And what was Aida's fate as an emigrant? Talking about this, the woman repeatedly lamented that not everyone can endure seeing death every day. So where did she work and how did she manage not to break down? --- 00:00 Trailer 01:11 Introduction of the interviewee 02:06 Social networks - work, awareness 05:50 Emigrant's bread, why she returned, but her husband did not 08:46 Difficult life without a husband 13:57 Life in the village, more difficult periods of life 17:20 The desire to learn to love yourself 21:19 Working with oncological patients 24:20 Negative comments on social networks, her environment's reaction to this 28:18 Aida about her husband and love 29:45 Presentation of an item 34:43 Gifts, farewell --- You can find more of our television videos: https://play.tv3.lt Read video reports and news: https://www.tv3.lt Follow us on Facebook: / tv3televizija Follow us on Instagram: / tv3_lt