OLGA IVANOVNA CHETOEVA, HONORED ARTIST OF RUSSIA! AFTER THE CONCERT IN THE CITY OF ISTRA! Nowadays, musical works are heard everywhere, in which the performers often repeat the word "Love". Only modern lyrics about love do not always have some relation to Love - after all, in order to write good poems about love, their author himself must truly love. And such real songs about love, the lyrics of which are written by poets with truly loving hearts, do exist! No one married us in church, And the whole soul burns in fire. Why, Cossack, did you rush off to the steppe On your black horse? Why did you meet me, When you watered the horse in the Don, Why did you conquer the heart of a Cossack woman with your forelocked beauty? Chorus: Oh, my fate, fate, oh, fate, Oh, my fate, tell me why, Oh, my fate, separation-fate, I can't find the answer? Why did you throw lilac flowers Into my midnight window? Why are you the best in the world, Like the sun's light when it's dark. Why are you so desired, Like the blue-eyed spring Don? Why do the Cossack women follow you in a herd in the village? How can I ask my dream, Without threatening trouble-separation? I can't blame you for anything, or forget you, Or stop loving you. Why did you fly on a horse, Ride off into the azure dawn? Neither you, nor I, Nor fate have an answer! I am filming the playing of the accordion, people who like the Russian accordion! With respect, Valery Bolotov! E-mail for letters and communication (wishes and criticism are welcome): [email protected]