Ever heard of agroforestry? It's not about furious clear-cutting in the forest, but the actually not so strange idea of planting trees on arable land to increase yields and protect the climate. Maria Gimenez, head of Wilmars Gardens, shows us her business and explains how agroforestry works, what the advantages are and why agroforestry is actually nothing new. The Green Spoons project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in the Federal Biodiversity Program with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. This video reflects the view and opinion of the grant recipient of the Federal Biodiversity Program and does not necessarily agree with the view of the grant provider. #SlowFood #GutSauberFair #GreenSpoons #SlowFoodDeutschland #bpbv #BiologischeVielfalt #Soil #Soillife #BundesprogrammBiologischeVielfalt