Can we answer the seemingly simple question of who am I? What does correct self-knowledge mean? How can we get there, what kind of work does this path entail? Is self-examination a Christian duty? And what is the connection between knowing ourselves and our relationship with God? 00:00 - 02:36 Contacts 02:37 - 06:07 Official: Pope Francis visits Hungary 06:08 - 7:54 Examining ourselves in the mirror of God 07:55 - 08:18 When I seek God, I seek myself? 08:19 - 17:27 Why are self-knowledge books so popular these days? 17:28 - 24:12 Contemplative prayer bibliodrama as a tool for self-knowledge 24:13 - 30:25 What is correct self-knowledge? 30:36 - 38:47 Are the concepts of self-examination and self-knowledge inseparable? 38:48 - 47:00 How does self-knowledge help everyday life? 47:01 - 52:49 Conclusion, closing Vágvölgyi Gergely's guests: ▫️ Bálint Nagy, Jesuit monk ▫️ Tímea Tésenyi, mental health specialist ▫️ Csilla Frivaldszkyné Jung, clinical psychologist ▫️ Imre Somody, businessman Facebook: / bizony.isten