MUSLIMA SALIHA - Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about the monotheism of a person who abandons prayer while he is healthy. He replied: “There is no monotheism for the one who abandons prayer, no zakat for the one who abandons prayer, and no fasting for the one who abandons prayer.” Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “Then came after them those who neglected prayer and followed their desires. So, they will surely meet with an evil punishment.” (Maryam, 59) The word translated “evil” in this verse is called “ghayy” in Arabic. “ghayy” is a valley in Hell, to which only those who abandon prayer without an excuse will go. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, the first thing a servant will be asked about is prayer. If his prayer is accepted, his other deeds will also be accepted.” MUSLIMA SALIHA - Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfor, Fasting, Islam religion, Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfor, Fasting, Islam religion ____________________________ ____________________________ It is not allowed to copy the videos on this channel! Dear members of our channel! You can click the like button or send the videos to your friends on other social networks such as Instagram, Telegram.