The entire program in the ARD media library (with subtitles): https://1.ard.de/caren_miosga The traffic light coalition has broken up, Germany is led by a government without a majority. In the middle of a phase of economic weakness and geopolitical challenges, many planned legislative proposals could now fail. A new Bundestag will be elected on February 23. But is Olaf Scholz still the right candidate for the SPD? What compromises can the Union and Social Democrats still find before the new election to end the standstill in Germany? And what concepts do the CDU/CSU and SPD want to use in the election campaign to keep pension levels stable and get the economy going again? The guests: Lars Klingbeil (SPD co-chairman), Markus Söder (Prime Minister of Bavaria and CSU chairman), Kerstin Münstermann (head of the Rheinische Post parliamentary office): "Caren Miosga" discusses the most relevant topic of the week with decision-makers in politics, business, culture and society. The aim is to make different points of view and perspectives on a problem and the political processes behind it clear. The aim is to generate added value and knowledge for viewers and to create something worth talking about for the coming week. All current information and tagesschau24 in the live stream: https://www.tagesschau.de/ All programs, live streams, documentaries and reports also in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/tagesschau Photo: NDR/Thomas Ernst