The entire quer program, including coalition conflict in Bavaria, food that makes you sick and of course Maggus and Hubsi, is just a click away in the ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/quer?yt=vd Schweinfurt had cancelled the 2026 State Garden Show due to the energy crisis and inflation. After Tittmoning took over in December, a citizens' initiative was founded. They are not against the State Garden Show, but wanted to hold a vote on whether there would be enough time for preparations. Because of the citizens' petition, time is actually running out and Tittmoning had to drop out of the project. More from quer: ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/quer?yt=vd quer at BR: http://www.quer.de Facebook: / quer Twitter: / br_quer Instagram: / quer_vom_br