Full video on VIMEO: vimeo.com/105407390 His main Latin American disciple (and translator) remembers her teacher. How was the collective book «TO READ CAPITAL» created? Who were the members of Althusser's school of thought? How did they read Marx and Marxism, Freud, Lenin and Mao, Spinoza and Hegel? Atheism, materialism or Christianity? His complex link with the French Communist Party. The China-Soviet Union controversy. Practical humanism and theoretical anti-humanism? Why doesn't Althusser incorporate the Marxism of Gramsci and Che Guevara? MEMORIA DEL FUTURO project by BRANCALEONE FILMS. Chair “From Marx’s social theory to Latin American critical theory” (Sociology, University of Buenos Aires -UBA): www.cipec.nuevaradio.org and Che Guevara Chair: www.amauta.lahaine.org