*Content Introduction Sometimes, a short advertisement can have a greater and unforgettable impact than reading a novel, a poem, or an essay. That's why there are so many advertisements that remain in our memories even after a long time. We've selected and introduced five Japanese advertisements that still give us unchanging emotions even after time has passed with their sensual storytelling, excellent video production, and heart-wrenching copy, selected from the perspective of a marketer. In the future, the Cream Union YouTube channel will collect and introduce various campaigns and advertisements that can provide good inspiration and insight. We ask for your continued interest. 00:00 Opening 00:24 Japanese Advertisement Part 1/Toyota Motors 03:39 Japanese Advertisement Part 2/Recruit Japan 06:07 Japanese Advertisement Part 3/Toshiba LED 08:30 Japanese Advertisement Part 4/Lion (Household Goods) 09:47 Japanese Advertisement Part 5/Tokyo Gas 11:46 Insight #Japanese Advertisement #Storytelling #Advertising Copy #Advertising Review *Project Inquiries http://inside.crea-m.com/contact-us/ [email protected] *Makers The Cream Union Communication Headquarters https://www.crea-m.com http://inside.crea-m.com - Lee Sang-hoon (Stussy) Brunch : brunch.co.kr/@stussygo Blog: bit.ly/3iXtldG - Choi Byeong-yeop [email protected] - Kim Hyeon-jeong [email protected] - Lee Jeong-eun [email protected]