Embark on an epic adventure in Patagonia, from Santiago de Chile to the End of the World. In this first part, explore the iconic places of the city of Santiago, such as Lastarria, Bellavista, or Cerro de San Cristóbal, its bustling streets and its rich culinary scene as we prepare for an unforgettable adventure to the end of the world. #Patagonia #SantiagoDeChile #TravelThroughChile #PatagonianTrip #EndOfTheWorld Social networks Instagram: / rick_and_the_world English channel: / @rickandtheworld More travel videos Krakow: • KRAKOW, The Magic of the Christmas Mar... Easter Island: • EASTER ISLAND, Moais, History and Pai... Borneo: • Sabah, BORNEO: Adventure Among the Jungles... 0:00 Intro 0:54 Plaza de Armas 1:54 Cerro Santa Lucía 2:54 Lastarría 4:21 Callejeando and La Moneda 6:12 Bellavista 7:47 Cerro San Cristóbal 9:10 Patio Bellavista 9:57 Farewell