While working at her part-time job in a pool bar, Maike F. suddenly loses her voice. Her boss immediately calls an ambulance. The first suspicion at the hospital: a stroke. A short time later, the all-clear is given. Perhaps it was just a severe migraine attack? But where does the flickering in the eyes come from? Is it multiple sclerosis? The cortisone administered is not working, and the eye problems are getting worse. Parts of the retina have already died - devastating news for the aspiring art historian. Maike F. relies on her eyesight for her job. Can the doctors still save her eyesight? And why are her ears suddenly on strike too? An exciting case of adventure diagnosis! 00:00 - Suddenly she can't speak 01:17 - A terrible suspicion 01:59 - Was that really all? 02:45 - Flickering in the eyes 03:33 - The family doctor is alerted 04:05 - Is it multiple sclerosis? 06:18 - Why is the cortisone not working? 07:31 - Parts of the retina have died 07:57 - A new suspicion 09:05 - It starts all over again 11:01 - Now the ears are also causing problems 12:34 - Finally: The diagnosis has been found 13:42 - "Freestyle medicine" stops the disease #AdventureDiagnosis #VisualImpairment #NDR Subscribe to our channel and don't miss an episode of Adventure Diagnosis! There are even more exciting cases and information here: https://www.ndr.de/Abenteuer-Diagnose... Warning: Spoilers! Do not read any further if you do not want to know the diagnosis. You can find out more about the cause, symptoms and treatment of Susan syndrome here: https://www.ndr.de/abenteuerdiagnose7...